
Showing posts from December, 2023

5th Grade P.E. update

5th grade had a great month in P.E. We did 2 weeks of bowling, where students used google sheets to track their scores throughout their 4 days of P.E. The last week before the holiday break, we are preparing for Winter Wonderland, and doing a variety of different holiday relay and games. When we get back from break, we will go into floor hockey, gymnastics, and dance. Please make sure even with the weather, students are coming to school with shoes for P.E.! Boots and crocs are not acceptable footwear

What's happening in 4th grade Art? December 2023

Fourth graders have been working hard in Art class. They were using oil pastels and cake tempra paints to create hibernating bear paintings. Then they learned about Pablo Picaso's life and style of painting. They explored some of his techniques when it came to painting portraits of people. They played a dice game called "Roll a Picasso." The students used dice to randomly choose the features of a Picasso inspired face drawing. For their final Picasso piece they drew and painted a face that was split down the middle and showed different emotions on each side of the face. All classes talked about what different colors in artwork can represent in terms of emotions. The emotions that Picasso felt during his lifetime often showed up in his paintings for particular periods of time. They did a lesson on the styles of Folk Art Trees. These trees will look nice hanging up in the hallway with their sleeping bear paintings. During free art days that they have earned, the fourth grad...

December is Computer Science Month!

In the library this month, 3rd graders learned about coding!  We learned about how computers are EVERYWHERE and use binary code to make things work.  Students used Kodable to learn more about coding. Kodable is a program that teaches students to code! In just a few minutes a day, kids can learn all about the fundamentals of Computer Science.   Students can access Kodable by going to the library webpage , clicking their grade level tab and finding their teacher's name.   Students also had access to is another program that helps students learn to code.  Students can access through the library webpage and click the button.   The students will need to log into the website to save their work.  Have fun coding! 

Erickson Elementary School Music Class Newsletter - November 2023 Edition

  Erickson Elementary School  Music Class Newsletter  November 2023 Edition 

What's Happening in 2nd grade Library?

2nd graders learned about the Fantasy genre in November!    Fantasy has magical characters and problems are solved in ways that could never happen in real life.  The setting is in a place that isn’t real and the theme is usually good vs. bad…but not always, as we found out in a few books!   Students read one book as a group and then discussed and took “selfies” of the Fantasy characteristics.   Some books they read are: Mother Bruce by Bruce Higgins The Day the Crayon Box Talked by Shane DeRolf Burger Boy by Alan Durant Bad Seed by Jory John I want my Hat back J. Klassen If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff If you give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff If you give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff Chick n Pug by Jennifer Gordon Sattler Three Pigs by David Wiesner In the students’ Library Google Classroom, there are a few more fantasy book suggestions.  Each slide has the book cover, summary, the read aloud and AR test number.