What's Happening in 2nd grade Library?

2nd graders learned about the Fantasy genre in November!   

Fantasy has magical characters and problems are solved in ways that could never happen in real life.  The setting is in a place that isn’t real and the theme is usually good vs. bad…but not always, as we found out in a few books!   Students read one book as a group and then discussed and took “selfies” of the Fantasy characteristics.  

Some books they read are:

Mother Bruce by Bruce Higgins

The Day the Crayon Box Talked by Shane DeRolf

Burger Boy by Alan Durant

Bad Seed by Jory John

I want my Hat back J. Klassen

If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff

If you give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff

If you give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff

Chick n Pug by Jennifer Gordon Sattler

Three Pigs by David Wiesner

In the students’ Library Google Classroom, there are a few more fantasy book suggestions.  Each slide has the book cover, summary, the read aloud and AR test number.  

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