What's happening in 4th grade Art? December 2023

Fourth graders have been working hard in Art class. They were using oil pastels and cake tempra paints to create hibernating bear paintings. Then they learned about Pablo Picaso's life and style of painting. They explored some of his techniques when it came to painting portraits of people. They played a dice game called "Roll a Picasso." The students used dice to randomly choose the features of a Picasso inspired face drawing. For their final Picasso piece they drew and painted a face that was split down the middle and showed different emotions on each side of the face. All classes talked about what different colors in artwork can represent in terms of emotions.

The emotions that Picasso felt during his lifetime often showed up in his paintings for particular periods of time. They did a lesson on the styles of Folk Art Trees. These trees will look nice hanging up in the hallway with their sleeping bear paintings. During free art days that they have earned, the fourth graders have been decorating wooden ornaments with acrylic paint.

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