Erickson Art Class January 2025

Erickson Art! 

We are so excited to get 2025 kicked off with some amazing student artwork! This year in art I have been working to merge our curriculum with what the students are learning in their CKLA (language arts) program. It has been so much fun watching the students make connections to their classroom and share what they have been learning from one room to another. Here is a little glimpse at what we have been working on this month with each grade!

kindergarten is learning about native american culture and life in Mrs. Volkman and Mrs. Crossley's classes. In art we read the book The Indian Paintbrush by Tomie DePaola and created a chalk pastel landscape inspired by the colors of the Indian Paintbrush flowers!

First grade Students have been learning all about abstract art and are currently making abstract "three line" landscape inspired by the beautiful work of Etel Adnan. 

Second grade is also spending some time digging into abstract art as well. They have been taking what they learned in music class and applying it as we learn about the exciting art of Wassily Kandinsky. We started by listening to different types of music and seeing what kinds of lines, colors and shapes the music reminded us of. Students are now created a collaborative painting made up of their own works inspired by the Painting "circles in a circle" by Kandinsky. 

Third grade students are learning about ancient Roman culture in the classroom and in art we are taking time to talk about greek and Roman Architecture. In art students are constructing either a Doric, Ionic or Corinthian Column using model magic, craft foam and paper towel rolls! 

Fourth grader students have been cranking through different projects so far this month. They the new year by finishing up some pixel art mittens in which we talked about value and form in art to create a snowball with dimension. Students will soon be digging into a geology unit in  their homerooms ELA  curriculum. To follow this we have been talking about the artwork of Jen Stark which is heavily inspired by nature and topographical maps. We looked at some examples of topography and elevation and students because creating their own abstract topographical paper cuttings. 

fifth Grade has been killing it with some incredible Initial Mosaics. In class we looked into the history of mosaic art and where it has been used throughout the world. Students then used a variety of tiles (glass, ceramic, plastic, shells, stones, beads etc.) to make their own Mosaic tiles. Students will spend this  next week grouting their prices and finalizing their work. For our next unit we are connecting with the fifth grade ELA program and diving into renaissance art and artists. Students will use some of the skills of the masters by creating their own "museum" drawing using one point perspective and displaying their favorite works of their favorite renaissance artists. 


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