P.E. Update - 3rd Grade, October 2023

Third grade students covered a bunch of different topics during the month of October! Most recently, we were learning to strike the ball using an open hand, which helps in games like four square, gaga ball, floorball, volleyball, and many more! Earlier in the month, we finished up our soccer unit where we focused on kicking with accuracy and dribbling under control. In the month of November, we are going to start with our striking using a paddle unit, and will learn the basics of the game pickleball. Following Thanksgiving break, we will complete our bowling unit, where students will learn how to score the game, and will bring their chromebooks to class to use an excel document where they can track their scores in a round Please remind students to come to P.E. ready to participate. That means they are wearing clothing that is comfortable to move in, and are wearing correct footwear on their P.E. day! -Mr. Litavecz

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